How can I help you?

Service Engineering
The spotlight in this area is on the development of new services and products to strengthen the network relationships between your networks and the networks of your customers. Anyone can sell via the best price – but not everyone can sell at the best price.

We find solutions which are tailored to your customer relationships and which help strengthen the links between networks. For instance, would you have thought that the effective management of delivery notes could represent a real solution to the problem of falling returns for the customer? You may have done, if you had known that your accounts department calls the customer daily because it has to manage 20,000 of your delivery notes every year to keep its books in order.

We can develop these and many other solutions together with you.

Customer Claims Management
Customer claims must be seen as an opportunity. While this is no longer new for many people, it is still necessary to learn how to use this opportunity ideally. What line of argument should I use toward the customer? What can I learn from my internal network to solve the customer claim? How can I use the claim to prove my expertise toward the customer? What does the claim say about my products?

We have successfully implemented a number of solutions for projects from the answers to these questions in the past.

Complaint Management
Complaints serve as an indicator for the fact that the customer is not satisfied at the interfaces between your network and the customer's network. This is frequently not a question of your products or services, but rather of your communications toward the customer or the customer's perceived appreciation. The art of complaints management therefore combines all the complaints and claims of the customer and carries out a clear strength and weakness analysis internally on this basis. This creates the possibility of taking completely new paths. The precondition for managing complaints is the proper management of customer claims.